Born 1965, Bremen, Germany

Katrin Bremermann.

Image courtesy of the artist.

Katrin Bremermann is a Berlin-based contemporary artist whose work bridges the gap between abstraction and sculptural dimensionality. Best known for her innovative approach to three-dimensional form, Bremermann's practice challenges the conventions of painting by incorporating spatial depth and materiality into her compositions. Her wall-mounted sculptures and shaped canvases transcend the flatness traditionally associated with painting, creating an immersive, tactile experience for the viewer.

Working within the legacy of artists like Ellsworth Kelly and Kenneth Noland, Bremermann reinterprets the shaped canvas, pushing beyond two-dimensional surfaces to explore the tension between real and illusionistic depth. Her three-dimensional works engage the viewer through the interplay of volume, space, and organic forms, often oscillating between minimalism and expressive abstraction.

In her lacquer drawings, Bremermann treats paper as a sculptural medium, waxing both sides to increase transparency and create a marbled effect that evokes architectural textures like concrete or marble. The layering of these surfaces invites a closer examination, revealing subtle contrasts between light and shadow, solid and void. Her sculptural paintings, often made from materials such as steel, aluminum, and wood, push the boundaries of traditional media, creating works that blur the line between painting and object.

Bremermann’s work is steeped in conceptual exploration, often drawing inspiration from poetry and literature to imbue her abstract forms with emotional resonance. Titles like Cloud and Just Walking evoke open-ended narratives, while her use of negative space and bold color palettes heighten the sense of tension and ambiguity in her compositions. Through her bold experimentation with form and material, Katrin Bremermann creates visually striking works that invite a deeper engagement with the physical and conceptual dimensions of art.

Artist Statement

“I create permanently
In a visual experiment, a game with myself
A magic moment, drunk on ideas
In order to exist, differently, with others
experiences of meanings and sensations
to embrace my dreams
with excess and in my solitude create with all available means
a visual experience necessary,
finally, to feel alive.”

Katrin Bremermann.

For more info, please visit Katrin Bremermann in cyberspace



